Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Marine, Pvt. Steven M. Finstad

my 18 yr old brother officially became a US Marine on 9-11-09!

first we saw the colors ceremony..
and i cried.

7 platoons graduated that day
and they all marched out before us...
and i cried.

and i cried.
"They are soo handsome!!!"

my brother is in the first row, 4th from the right
my mom, malory and i turned into puddles

we all only got to spend maybe 4 hrs together before he had to catch his flight to MN for his 10 day leave

but it was worth it
i love you Pvt. Steven M. Finstad

i love and miss all of my family

1 comment:

DaMonique said...

I kind of feel like crying cuz I missed it... what the hell else is new?! sorry that came off a little bitchy.. it just sucks... I miss you all so much!