Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Marine, Pvt. Steven M. Finstad

my 18 yr old brother officially became a US Marine on 9-11-09!

first we saw the colors ceremony..
and i cried.

7 platoons graduated that day
and they all marched out before us...
and i cried.

and i cried.
"They are soo handsome!!!"

my brother is in the first row, 4th from the right
my mom, malory and i turned into puddles

we all only got to spend maybe 4 hrs together before he had to catch his flight to MN for his 10 day leave

but it was worth it
i love you Pvt. Steven M. Finstad

i love and miss all of my family

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

my new place!....

thats my room, the attic window!!

the tour..

this is me...

not exactly unpacked yet

the best part!!
bed or couch!!? excellent.
and its workin out well so far

Handsome and I...

helped Brett harvest his hops on memorial day!

hop goddess?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009