the the weather really does get to me. so much rain in the winter time here hella bums me out. ive always had to just deal with a ton of snow in the winter and bein all cold, but even it being dark all the time in AK didnt bother me this much i think. its just so god damn gloomy here in portland. dont get me wrong i love it here but geez, ive been a little down this winter.
but hey!
the sun is coming out more these days and it sure is making me feel good.
im scared im stuck sometimes
i doubt myself sometimes
it feels so good to get the bills payed
im all fuckin high strung these days. i need to just chill out.
i should have gone to work today
stop freaking out and being so demanding so much and just think about me
do what i gotta do
do what makes me happy
1. i need a new job im thinkin
2. i miss being social.
sun come out, i want to go to the beach!!!