Sunday, March 28, 2010


I don't think I will ever fully understand... how can a man take a shit at the same time everyday? I mean yeah I do it everyday too. that's healthy. who doesnt love taking a good poop, feels great right. but I don't mess around, I go in the and get business done. so why does it take so long for a man? do you just like your alone time in there? or what?

you're rediculous, I can hear you in there now, playing guitar hero on your phone!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ahhh... p-town ...

Playin' with the compost....
hangin out in the back yard..
good beer....

oh yeah,
Otto's Sausage Kitchen and Meats!
(on SE 45th and Woodstock, if you didn't know.... which you should!)

i <3 the Kitchen Sink:
-Corned Beef
-Melted Munster Cheese
-and Cream Cheese


last night..

just feelin goood

Thursday, March 18, 2010

word of the day:

jostle (jŏs'əl)
v. jos·tled, jos·tling, jos·tles

v. intr.
  1. To come in rough contact while moving; push and shove: jostled against the others on the crowded platform.

  2. To make one's way by pushing or elbowing: jostled through the guests to the bar.

  3. To vie for an advantage or position.

  4. To be in close proximity.

  5. To pick or try to pick pockets.

They're Magically Delicious!

hehe look what my boy got for me!
just had to wear it for St. Patty's Day!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

bicycle crime in p-town.

This is just ridiculous!
can you see how the tire has been stomped on. i didnt get a very good flick.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3D is Awesome!!

I took myself out yesterday, to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D!
Thoroughly, enjoyed myself.
And I am fairly certain it is only worth spending the money to go to the movies if it is 3D.

Trying to stay above sea-level

- really wish i could afford a cute new summer dress

and some shoes to match...

(these are all from

reminded me of someone..

you know who you are.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


don't buy self help books for your friends... if they are ur friends. especially if u, yourself have not read the book!

Friday, March 5, 2010


he's crazy about me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


kittens grow in flower pots!!
im tellin' you!

(thats an aloe plant shes sleeping in)

had a fantastic weekend

nothin like takin' a growler o' beer for a hike around in the woods :D

Undies in the parking lot!!!


we stopped into this "gentlemen's club" the other day, first because we had to pee, second just for funsies!

and look what we found!

This is the bartender, with her safety rubber glove!!

when i sat at the bar she asked me if i was a dancer!! im not sure if that is a compliment or not!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Its Spring(-ish) in Portland!!

i went for a 5 mi. walk the other day..
saw some fun stuff as usual!...

Can some one please explain to me what kind of tree this is!!??

no squid parking on this side of the street!

Monday, March 1, 2010

no po.

the level of crazy on this bus is out of control! "10200 block. this where they grow crazies ." "You gotta let a hoe, be a hoe, man!"